Monday, June 1, 2009

What We've Been Up To

Not sleeping enough! Lack of sleep equals overtired momma who doesn't feel like blogging. I feel like napping! Not that I've been doing that but whatever. I have taken a few photos over the past few weeks. The weather has improved around here and we are staying busy as usual.

The GIANT eyeball at Lumier Sculpture Garden. Even more interesting in person!

Fun times in the inflatable at our friend Carter's birthday party. Jonah LOVED it!!
The fountains in the Childrens Garden at MO Botanical Gardens are always a hit!
Jonah meets a peony at MO Bot. Gardens
Band Festival Parade with Grandpa Gene in Mason City! Fun weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's. Should have taken more photos of rugby, karaoke, bocce, good times!
Jonah crawls where he wants to now. Including into the cupboards and the fridge!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

your kids are so damn cute!