Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Note to self regarding potty training.

Dear self,

Unless you have an overwhelming desire to visit the family bathroom at Walmart twice in a half hour shopping trip; do not give your 2 year old a full glass of water in the hour preceeding the shopping trip. Even if it was the water in her fancy straw cup that kept her entertained in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Even if you are worried about your child's need for hydration when it is 90 degrees at 10am. Even if you are 8 months pregnant and may be needing to visit the bathroom yourself with in the half hour.

So yeah, had an OB appointment this morning. (All is well with #2) Gave Leah a full cup of water. Spent the next hour regretting it. She went twice at the dr's office and twice at Walmart. Guess having to go is better than having wet pants.

Oh the joy of a newly potty trained two year old!


Ronda said...
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Ronda said...

Thanks for the advice!! Glad all was well with #2!